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A group of people standing in front of the Estarta building, holding Jordanian flags and waving in solidarity. The Estarta logo is visible beside them. The building has a modern design with multiple windows.

Estarta Stands in Solidarity

On October 19, 2023, Estarta’s team came together to stand in solidarity. This observation was in honor of those affected by the recent tragic events in Palestine, particularly Gaza.

Estarta stands in solidarity. On October 19, 2023, Estarta’s team came together to stand in solidarity. This observation was in honor of those affected by the recent tragic events in Palestine, particularly Gaza. So, learn more about this initiative, please scroll on.

Estarta Stands

In these challenging times, Estarta stands in solidarity and remains steadfast in upholding the values of being Best Places to Work certified. Our commitment to the well-being of our employees has never been more evident. As the region and the world face the emotional rollercoaster of ongoing conflicts and instability, Estarta has offered support by allowing our team members to work from the safety and comfort of their homes.

This step not only prioritizes their mental and emotional well-being but also ensures their safety during these times of uncertainty, especially with the traffic, road blockages, and all else the ongoing local demonstrations entail. Hence, Estarta constantly shows its support for doing what is right.

Final Thoughts

Estarta is unwavering in its commitment to the principles of its core values. Hence, our dedication to the welfare of our employees and beyond has never been more apparent.

Thus, we stand together, united in our belief that small gestures of unity can make a big difference in the world. For more, head over to the official Estarta blog. Also, make sure to follow our Twitter (X) to get all of the latest insights.

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