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Jordan-Singapore Tech Alliance Forum Launch

Singapore Tech Alliance Forum Launch

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Mutaz H. Nabulsi, Estarta's CEO, and numerous others were present at the Jordan-Singapore Tech Alliance Forum during a significant gathering.

Singapore Tech Alliance Forum at A Glance

In a significant gathering at the Jordan-Singapore Tech Alliance Forum, a milestone has been marked. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Mutaz H. Nabulsi, Estarta’s CEO, and many others were among the representatives of Jordan, a “Country of Firsts,” as Jordan Source puts it. As it happened, the conference succinctly showcased Jordan’s success stories.

SG Tech, the Singapore Business Federation, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, and Jordan’s embassy in Singapore held the event. Moreover, according to a Royal Court statement, the forum’s significance is underlined in coordinating the two nations’ efforts towards excellence. Specifically, in the technological sphere.

Tech Alliance Forum: A Blasting Success

In addition to the panelists and Jordanian delegates, His Royal Highness provided insight into the country’s achievements. In other words, the forum offered a means of emphasizing Jordan’s crucial position in the global digital industry.

The Crown Prince also stated that the commonalities between tech talent in Singapore and Jordan can serve as a means of fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between the two nations.

The Future of ICT in Jordan and Estarta

With over 8,000 students graduating from IT-related programs annually, Jordan’s digital economy is thriving, according to Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmad Hanandeh. He also noted that Jordanians are having an influence that is drawing in enterprises from all over the world!

The goal for the future of Jordan is to position the country as a global center for innovation and investment in ICT and communications.

The forum is one of many Jordan Source promotional visits aimed at drawing investments and forming alliances with foreign businesses looking to enter the Middle East through Jordan, and Estarta remains steadfast at the frontline of these efforts.

Our Final Thoughts

That brings us to the end of Singapore Tech Alliance Forum. For more news on Estarta, head over to our news blog page. Also, stay in the know on all things Estarta related through social media. Moreover, make sure to follow our Instagram page to get all of the latest insights.

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