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Estarta ICT Girls Day

Estarta Celebrating International Girls in ICT Day

Estarta marked the 2024 Girls in ICT Day with an empowering webinar. We celebrated Estarta's Talented females.

At Estarta, we recently marked an important occasion in a special way. International Girls in ICT Day is an important date at Estarta. So, with a firm commitment to gender diversity and inclusivity, we hosted a webinar! The webinar was dedicated to celebrating the achievements and contributions of girls and women. Specifically, for those in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector worldwide.

International Girls in ICT Day

The event was a collaborative effort between our branches in Jordan and Greece. This was to be bringing together talented individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Through an engaging panel discussion, our speakers shared valuable insights, experiences, and perspectives. Hence, they shed light on the importance of female representation in the ICT industry.

Furthermore, from exploring career opportunities to addressing challenges and barriers, our panelists delved into various aspects. These aspects focused on women’s participation in ICT fields. Moreover, they shared personal stories, successes, and practical advice, inspiring attendees to pursue their passions and ambitions in the tech world.

Estarta ICT Webinar

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us for this enlightening webinar, contributing to meaningful conversations and fostering a supportive community. Moreover, your participation and engagement are the reason we continue to do what we do.

As we reflect on the success of this event, we are excited for future events. Hence, Estarta remains committed to championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the ICT sector, creating opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds to thrive and succeed. Thus, stay tuned for future events and initiatives as we continue our journey towards a more inclusive and equitable tech industry. Together, we can drive positive change and build a brighter future for girls and women in ICT.

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